
On the basis of Ilm-e-Rijaal, please confirm the status of Muhammad bin Jarir Tabari, and his book "Noor ul Maujizat".


There are two persons in history who had the same name "Muhammad", and whose father’s name was also same i.e. "Jarir" and their name according to their origin was also same i.e. "Tabari"; one of them was a Sunni scholar and the other was a Shia scholar. The only way to differentiate the two is by their grand fathers’ names: the name of Sunni Ibne Jarir’s grand father was "Yazid", while the name of Shia Ibne Jarir’s grand father was "Rustam".
Both ("Muhammad s/o Jarir s/o Yazid Tabari" and "Muhammad s/o Jarir s/o Rustam Tabari") were reputable and authentic. The former authored the famous books "Tareekh-e-Tabari" and "Tafsir Ibne Jarir", while the latter authored "Al-Mutarashad" and "Dalail-ul-Imamah". As far as "Noor-ul-Maujizat" is concerned, we do not know about its origins, nor did we find it in the list of Books by the two Tabari’s. And Allah Knows the Best!